Thandai, The Classic Holi Treat!

Thandai, The Classic Holi Treat!

Spring is here. No matter what the weather is like outside, pay no attention. It's officially spring. The calendar says so. A season of universal holidays. It seems wherever in the world one might be, people are celebrating something. Passover, Easter, Holi, Spring Break... whatever. With each holiday comes its' own special foods, some dictated by custom, and some by religious demands.

The traditional Indian way of welcoming guests on the festival of Holi is with the signature drink, called Thandai. It is a brunch cocktail and it proves as the most excellent refresher, especially during the spring/summer.

If you haven't heard of it or had it, Thandai is a milk drink, a spiced refreshing cooler traditionally served on Holi. A light and delicate foamy drink, tinged with a silvery sheen, presented in tall slender glasses. It is the one childhood memory everyone has from those extravagant holi brunches! Now Holi, if you're not familiar with, it is the Hindu Spring Festival of Colors, which is currently being celebrated. Holi honors new life along with spring's fertility and color. People bombard each other with colorful powders and have an altogether roaring good time.

Thandai is easy to make. In fact you probably have most of the makings in your kitchen right now. It's tasty, cooling and if you have any reluctant milk drinkers around the house, this will do the trick!!

Happy Holi(days)!!

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