In October, Ajmer will be hosting the first World Sufi Festival, with the aim of capturing positive messages about peace and love that have been around for centuries and recognized in the east and west. These messages are often conveyed through arts and culture.
Sufism is a mystical way of life, which emphasizes the unity of all religions. It plays a part in the lives of people of all religions and the festival will greatly promote this by helping to better understand where one has come from and what one has in common. It will highlight the importance of treating all with fairness and respect and envisages bringing to all, more understanding of each others divergence and promote the concept of Universal Brotherhood.
The festival features a bazaar, food samples, art, craft, film, music and poetry encompassing both the traditional and modern around the Sufi theme. Sufi arts, culture and heritage are at the heart of the festival. Workshops and presentations would be given with discussions of Sufi themes. The festival aims to capture and project the messages and spirit of Sufism.
It promises to be an entertaining and enchanting week. It will be including workshops for the community. The festival itself will showcase performers, artists, crafts, fashion, poetry from the local area,Indiaand abroad, encompassing both the traditional and modern around the Sufi theme. Be a part of this Prestigious Event.
The International Sufi Festival would start on 21st October, 2011 at 4 pm till the 27th October evening.