Art Gallery on Wheels

Art Gallery on Wheels

Soon, a van displaying artworks of well-known Rajasthani artists will be touring various cities of Rajasthan.

Often when someone wants to see a work by some well-known painter, a fancy art gallery is the only place where they can go. However, soon, artworks and masterpieces by famous Rajasthani artists will be on display… on a vehicle! Rajasthan Lalit Kala Academy, in a bid to promote art in remote areas, has bought a van. This gallery-on-wheels will be equipped with modern facilities like an LCD projector and will travel to different cities and places where there are no art galleries, to host art exhibitions.

The van has a display area where almost 30 paintings can be displayed at a time, and the LCD projector is meant to screen art films and documentaries on artists. a wide collection of artworks by various artists will even be put up on display in other states as part of the exchange programme.

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