When: 18 April, 2017
What: World Heritage Day
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World Heritage Day – Celebrating International Monuments & Sites.
Amber Fort, Jaipur – India’s 28th and Rajasthan’s 2nd vintage monument to get the status of a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
The World Heritage Day is marked globally each year. The day seeks to raise awareness of the challenges involved in protecting World Heritage Sites. This year the theme for World Heritage Day is sustainable tourism. It’s been chosen to tie in with the UN’s International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The World Heritage Day is all about raising awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving various sites around the world that have achieved world heritage status. It’s a chance to inform everyone about the efforts involved to protect and conserve, and just how vulnerable these sites are. 2017 will allow communities to celebrate the positive impact of sustainable tourism – and how it can empower communities and educate its visitors.
What is a World Heritage site?
A World Heritage site is classified as a natural or man-made area or a structure that is of international importance, and a space which requires special protection. These sites are officially recognized by the UN and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, also known as UNESCO. UNESCO believes that the sites classified as World Heritage are important for humanity, and they hold cultural and physical significance.